mafia friends

Ivana Followed by the others heading to class, many whispers aimed at Ivana. they are all jealous that Ivana is friends with the owner of this school, even though she is the one who has the power over this school.

Ivana and the others entered the classroom. They were all close together to make it easier to talk to each other.

"Aaa, a secret is revealed, Van". Said Tasya a little whisper.

"They lied to me, see you later I will teach them a lesson in prison". Ivana muttered furiously.

"Patience Van, we will teach the director a lesson, we must make him ashamed for his actions". Clarissa said.

It wasn't long before a group of students arrived, they were dressed like bitches and came to Ivana.

"He said there are students who enter using scholarships here". Insinuate one of them.

"Really? Wow, who do you think dares to enter this room". Say one more.

"I". Ivana said. He really can't stand it if it continues like this if it's not uncovering the mastermind behind the corruption.

"What's wrong Ivana?" Said Clara.

"Let's just watch it, Ivana knows what to do and what not to do". Tasya said stopping Clara who wanted to pull Ivana back to her seat.

"Wow, he is very brave, poor boy!". Vany said.

Vany is the son of the director Ivana is currently investigating, he has to find out about her.

Followed by Lauren and Vian. The three of them are just like bitches.

Not long ago a group of men came and made the women scream their names.

"What is this?". said, Mark.

"Vany! Don't make a fuss anymore". Zane said.

"What the hell, look at him, he doesn't deserve to be in this room!! Because he got a scholarship!! This classroom is exclusively for influential families". Said Vany while pointing at Ivana.

Ivana was silent, he even flashed a smile in front of Vany, no one saw but him.

"If he gets a scholarship, then he is an outstanding student, what can you do yourself? Always get Rank 4 even from your father's help". said Marvel flatly.

" I'm even defending this weak!! You'll see later I'll kick you out of this class!". Vany said leaving, followed by the others.

"I fired your father just to know the taste". Ivana's mumbling could be heard by Marvel and et al.

"What?" Marvel said, feeling like she heard something from Ivana.

"Ah, no. Thank you for defending me". Ivana said with a sweet smile.

Marvel was embarrassed by the smile Ivana gave her.


Ghani Is calling...

"Excuse me, I'm out for a moment". Ivana said giving a code to his friends to follow him.

"Hello Gan, what's wrong?" Ivana asked her voice a little low.

"Van, Someone sent us a message, I'll send it for you". Ghani said a little nervous.

"Okay, hurry up."

Ghani sent a message he got from someone, the message was for Ivana.

"Agh, dammit!!". Ivana said holding back her anger for reading the contents of the message.

"Hurry to headquarters now!!". Say Ivana et al.

They went straight to the DOM headquarters, the killer angel members were afraid to ask seeing Ivana who was now in angry mode.

Ivana entered the DOM Headquarters with the rage that flared up in her. His aura seemed different than usual.

"Why Van?" Asked the brother who happened to be at the DOM headquarters.

"Now we prepare a strategy!!". Ivan.


"It's too dangerous Van". Clarissa said.

"Don't worry, I can take care of this". Ivana said while closing her eyes.



- Vanscool School

"Eh, where is the new student? How can you not see it". said, Mark.

"That's right, where are you?" Zane said in another nod.

"They went home, he said. A student named Ivana was sick so he went home first, he said that's what I heard from the BK teacher. Lorenzo muttered.

They nodded in understanding, not with Marvel, he kept thinking about the girl, don't know why.





Ivana and the others were shopping for food, even though they were supposed to study, but because Ivana is the owner of the school, she is free to do whatever she wants even though no one knows about it.

"What do you want to buy Van?". asked Tasha.

"Food". Ivana's short words.

"Flat". Said Clara.

"Well, that's it. It's fast pay." Ivana said handing her Black Card to Gabriella.

"Can we add more right? Yes yes". Gabrielle said he wanted to buy something.

"Okay, hurry up, after eating you guys have to come with me". Ivan said.

"Where to?". Clarissa asked While raising one eyebrow.

"I'll tell you at the masion later."




They have arrived at the masion, they are now in Ivana's room, Ivana's room has a secret room. Which is used to talk about things related to the dark world.

It is in this room that Alvian and Ivana often gather to talk about something secret that Dady and mommy themselves don't know, which is related to their world.

"So? What are we doing now?" Clarissa asked.

"We are waiting for you Alvian". Ivana said while putting on a serious mode.

"Is there something serious Van!". Clarissa asked again.

Ivana let out a rough breath and told what made her angry now. "You know rose blood?? They mess with me, the leader threatens me, He sent a message to Ghani and said that he challenged me and asked me to a power fight do you know what that means?? That jerk is the same as insulting me because I never appeared on missions whatever". Ivana said while squeezing her hand tightly.

"It's the same as saying that the DOM leader is weak!! Agh! Just watch I won't allow insults like this again, I will appear whenever I want now". Ivana said while lifting the corners of her lips.

His aura is now very cold, the members of the killer angel are used to seeing Ivana in an angry mode like this, still, they are afraid to see it.

Alvin then came he saw his brother in lion mode, of course, he was afraid to see him and lost his intention to tease his sister.

"Is there something serious Van that you sent me here?" Alvin asked then sat on the chair.

"So long!! Where have you been!! Are you playing with a bitch again!!". Ivana shouted because she had been waiting for Alvian for a long time.

"I don't do it anymore! You know that. I have a mission so I'm a little late". Alvin said.

Ivana controlled her emotions because she was upset because of Chief Roseblood's actions and in addition to waiting for her brother who had just arrived.

"So? now you have to add spies to daddy's business rivals because earlier I heard one of them talk about wanting to destroy Dady's company, you have to get your men to get into his company and get information about it". Ivana said.

"Okay. I'll look into that. And, what's bothering you now?" asked the brother.