Currently, Ivana was sitting beside the pond and enjoying it casually. While the others are having fun in the pool. If you ask where the 5 men are, they are spending time by the beach and playing basketball. Ivana prefers to relax beside the pool rather than get wet.

Van, come here quickly. Bid Gabriella.


"Well, that's that then". Gabriella said receiving a refusal.

While closing her eyes, Ivana received a call from Ghani.

"Who bothered me. Agh!". Ivana sighs annoyed.

"What is it?!". Ivana replied slightly emphasizing her voice.

"Your parents are coming to Russia. They want to surprise you. So that's all I have to say." Ghani said.

Ivana then woke up to this news. How could his parents come here to meet him? While there will be many problems that arise. "Okay. Thanks for the information." Ivana said then turned off the phone and then left the pool area.

While the others saw it looked shocked at Ivana's actions. " What is wrong with him ?".

"Maybe someone contacted him."

"What's important?".

"Who knows".

Ivana entered her room and immediately dialed her parents' numbers one by one. "Agh! No one's answering! I-I have to tell that kid! You're useless!". Ivana sighed trying to contact Alvian.

"Yes. Do you want to go home? Please hurry! I also want to take a vacation". Alvin said making Ivana annoyed to hear it.

"Yes!! Do you know?! Mommy and daddy will follow me here! And you, have to stop them!". Ivana's screams made Alvian, who heard her, slightly move the phone away from his ear.

"W-what?!" Alvin shouted trying to reply to his brother.

"Don't shout at me !! Just do what I say !! This is for their safety!".

"Okay!! I'm closed!!" Alvin's screams made Ivana's ears throb in pain.

"Ais. You think you just have ears? So you scream like that at me? Tch". Alvin hissed annoyed.

Meanwhile, Ivana looked restless and worried about something. Plus he had to be shouted at by Alvian. "That kid! You'll see. I'll make his ears disappear." muttered Ivana.

It's time for dinner. They are now all gathered in one room together. Ivana now seemed a little quieter and Marvel kept glancing at her waiting for the answer she was waiting for.

Marvel then moved and came to Ivana who looked dreamy. While they all seemed to enjoy their respective activities. Some were watching TV and playing on their cell phones. And, some are cool dating.

"Come with me". Marvel said while holding Ivana's hand.

All eyes were on Marvel's whims. It didn't look the slightest bit awkward. He even wore a flat face without any expression though.

"What happened? Where do you want to take him?" Mark asked curiously.

"Do you want to ask her out on a date?" Asked Gabriella suddenly making everyone immediately think like that.

"Yes". Short Marvel answered while pulling Ivana's hand to follow him.

Meanwhile, when they all listened to the words from Marvel's mouth, they looked excited. "Wohh". Said the men together.

Meanwhile, the women just covered their mouths because they were shocked by what they heard. "Wow. There's going to be a kissing scene tonight!" Stella shouted enthusiastically.

"Already there from earlier!". Lorenzo said pointing at Zaen and Stella.

"Have you been watching us?" Zane asked annoyed.

"Who hasn't noticed? You did it in the same place as us". Gabriella answered then accompanied by laughter.

"We are waiting for good news from you. When did you get married?". Clarissa asked suddenly.

Zane and Tasya were a little surprised by Clarissa's sudden question. "We haven't thought about that". Zane replied, successfully hitting Tasya with a hard punch.

"Have you been watching us?" Zane asked annoyed.

"Who hasn't noticed? You did it in the same place as us". Gabriella answered then accompanied by laughter.

"We are waiting for good news from you. When did you get married?". Clarissa asked suddenly.

Zane and Tasya were a little surprised by Clarissa's sudden question. "We haven't thought about that". Zane replied, successfully hitting Tasya with a hard punch.


"Yeah! Why did you hit me?!". Zayn shouted. He felt his arm throbbing. And cause red welts.

"Yeah! So what you were talking to me about back then wasn't true?!". Tasya shouted trying to calm down. Even though he raised his voice.

"N-nothing like that. We should surprise them with a surprise party". Zane whispered in Tasya's ear.

"Ooh, okay okay". Answer Tasya understand.

"Why are you guys whispering? You guys are quite suspicious". Said Mark who had seen enough of the movements of the two of them.

"Yaaa! Tasya!! If he dares to touch you before marrying you, just cut his junior!". Stella said immediately stared at the surprised glances from the men.

"Wow. I got goosebumps". Arkan said then covered his gun.

"How could you say that in front of us?" Lorenzo said again.

"The root of shame has been severed. So, please understand," replied Xavier.

"What did you say just now?!" Stella shouted, not accepting what she heard earlier.

"There isn't any". Xavier replied again. He had a more annoying expression than before.

They were all deep in their conversation. Some are fighting and there are also those whose job is just eating and enjoying real scenes in front of them.

Meanwhile elsewhere. Marvel took Ivana to go for a walk in the 5 parks in the hotel area. "Why did you invite me here?" Ask Ivan.

"No reason. It's just that I want to be alone with you without anyone disturbing you."

There was no further conversation after that. Ivana, who had been having a lot of thoughts, made her mood suddenly drop. He didn't talk too much after he knew that his parents would follow him here.

Marvel watched Ivana then suddenly stopped her steps making Ivana stop her steps. "Hm". Dehem Ivana.

"Why stop?". Ask Ivana. r

Marvel then came to Ivana and gave her back to Ivana. "come on".

Ivana raised the corner of her brow not understanding "no refusal!". Say Marvel again.

Ivana then climbed onto Marvel's back and made Marvel smile. "Thank you for listening to me".

"Hmm". Dehem Ivana sounded tired.

"Ivana..." Call Marvel.

"What ?".

"You haven't given me an answer yesterday. So what's the answer?".

"What answer do you mean?" Asked Ivana who seemed unable to remember what Marvel meant.

Marvel then lowered Ivana and made her sit on a park bench. Marvel then brought his face closer to be able to look at Ivana's beautiful face. "Are you pretending to forget?"

"I don't understand, what are you saying". Ivana said and kept her face away from Marvel.

Marvel then sat beside Ivana and held Ivana's hand gently. "I love you, Ivana". Marvel said.

Ivana looked into Marvel's eyes deeply. He seeks that love behind Marvel's eyes. "I also". Ivana's answer immediately made Marvel smile

"Thank you for accepting me," Marvel said then hugged Ivana and kissed Ivana's head which indicated that he was very grateful for allowing her to enter his life.

Marvel just kept giving short kisses all over Ivana's face. He then moved to kiss the lips that he realized earlier he missed.

Marvel was about to press his lips against Ivana's. Ivana closed her eyes letting Marvel touch her.


Marvel manages to press their lips together and provide a soft link. Marvel tried to move his lips. Ivana did not reply to the link. He let Marvel rule him