In the square in front of the sanatorium, the crowd buzzed, bustling and lively.
The newbies who had just entered the game, like the batch before them, stared at the lifelike world before them, rubbing their eyes over and over, wishing they could kneel on the ground and gently kiss the sand and dirt beneath their feet.
"This, this, this!"
"Damn, is this really virtual reality? Wait a second, where's the logout button? Gotta make sure I can actually get back."
"Haha, no need for all that trouble, just find a brick and knock it on your head, and you'll log out."
"Sob sob sob, can I take a screenshot? This is too shocking."
"A shock that lasts my dad a whole year!"
"So big."
The square was filled with chirping and chatter, but for the veteran players of Wasteland OL, this scene was nothing new and no longer surprising.
After all, their reactions were pretty similar when they first logged in.