Chapter 313 Although there's no transport plane, a glider will do too

From the northern to the southern parts of River Valley Province, Bear Tooth had followed Lord Jin Ya conquering countless Survivor Bases, yet never had they encountered such tough resistance.

Especially that barrage of rockets, which truly terrified him, causing him to retreat 5 kilometers and still not recover.

A group of nearly a thousand people stopped in a hollow between hills.

The dense vegetation was conducive to concealment, while the nearby slopes provided open views and were easy to defend and hard to attack—it was an excellent place to set up camp.

Seeing Bear Tooth terrified, Tu Men sighed inwardly and stepped forward to console him.

"You need not panic, those rockets, although powerful, are not very accurate, and their effective range is shorter than our 100mm artillery. From our current position, they can't reach you at all."