"Boss, boss, I'm out of bullets!"
"You still got a magazine left, don't you???"
"I-I-I used them all up."
Seeing the Looters closing in, Quit smoking, low on ammunition, didn't dare to linger in combat, and began retreating while shooting and dragging along Lost Rookie, the dead weight.
Luckily for them, it seemed they weren't the only ones to run into a patrol team.
As they fled south, gunshots rang out from a residential area two streets over.
Silently praying for his teammates, Quit smoking took advantage of the Looters' diverted attention due to the gunshots and, pulling Lost Rookie beside him, turned tail and ran.
After taking many turns and twists, they finally shook off their pursuers.
Crossing a street cluttered with vehicle wreckage, the two ducked into the ruins by the road.
From the scattered stretcher debris and various odd pieces of discarded equipment, it was evident that this had once been a hospital.