Chapter 326: The Mountain of Spoils of War

The icy bayonet slapped his face twice.

Lying on the ground pretending to be dead, Vabu knew he couldn't hide anymore and finally opened his eyes reluctantly.

"Don't shoot..."

He slowly moved his arms to either side of his head, palms up to show he was unarmed.

The soldier holding the rifle didn't waste words, just kicked away the rifle beside him and coldly said,

"Get up."

Vabu honestly complied, quickly scrambling up from the ground, hands clasped behind his head, following the soldier towards the New Alliance position.

A few hours earlier, a drone had flipped Chief Bagro's tank. Vabu, who had been charging with the armored convoy, was knocked unconscious on the spot.

Many of his comrades were dead or seriously injured, the few surviving were missing arms and legs, wailing and howling.

He was relatively lucky.