A camp of roughly a hundred people, where rows of tents lined the border.
The crackling of a burning campfire.
Beside the "Electric Donkey" truck, a short-haired girl with hair up to her shoulders sat cross-legged on the ground, fiddling with the wrist-mounted computer in her hands.
Passing travelers often cast glances their way, because the combination of three women and two bears was indeed a rare sight here.
Especially since they were three young and pretty ladies.
That fair and delicate skin with lovely features would not only make young men's hearts flutter but even the rugged female mercenaries couldn't help but take a second look.
However, the thick-barreled machine gun welded atop the truck and the iron wires and bloodstains hanging from the front bumper served as a deterrent to many ill-intentioned onlookers.
After the business was done and the money was tucked into pockets, what kind of fun couldn't be found?
This was the Wasteland.