The Treasury of the Sect

After leaving the Main Hall, Lin Feng and Zhang Wanqing walked toward the Treasury of the Green Sky Sect together.

The Treasury was located in the innermost part of the sect. Although the Green Sky Sect was now desolate, it used to be a top sect in Longyan County that monopolized a county's resources!

The Treasury of the Green Sky Sect was hidden in a mountain stream between the Scripture Pavilion and the Punishment Hall. Only the people in charge of the sect's financial affairs knew how to open the External Formation.

Even the Sect Master did not know how to open the formation outside the Treasury.

However, there was a Private Treasury inside the Treasury, and only the Sect Master could enter that place.

After the two of them entered the Treasury, the formation closed automatically. There were no more ripples in the mountain stream, as if no one had ever come.

"Senior Brother, go in. Just tell me what you want to find. I have organized the entire Treasury bit by bit over the years, so it's easier for me to find what you're looking for."

After saying that, Zhang Wanqing moved her body to the side.

It was Lin Feng's first time seeing the entire Treasury. His predecessor had never been to the Treasury before either.

Because the Green Sky Sect was so poor, everyone thought that there was nothing good left in the Treasury.

The Treasury hidden in the mountain stream was a natural karst cave. It had been repaired by the Seniors of the Green Sky Sect, and all kinds of forbidding formations had been set up, making it look clean and tidy.

Standing at the entrance of the cave, one could not see the depths of the cave, but only what was within view. The materials on the shelves, the medicinal herbs, and the weapons leaning against the rock wall were all dazzling to the eye. The things here were much more abundant than what Lin Feng had imagined.

Standing aside, Zhang Wanqing felt a bit guilty when she saw her Senior Brother's surprised expression.

After all, the External Formation of the sect's Treasury was in her hands, and even Lin Feng, the Sect Master, was only here for the first time.

"Senior Brother, you've been in charge of the sect for many years, but this is your first time coming to the Treasury. You should do an inventory, so you know what is available the next time you need something."

Zhang Wanqing looked at her Senior Brother, who was still in a daze, and felt a little apologetic.

Seeing that Lin Feng had not said anything for a long time, she explained herself.

"The treasures in the Treasury were all accumulated by the Green Sky Sect's Ancestral Masters bit by bit for eight generations. It's just that in the recent three generations, the sect was poor and weak. Not only did we not accumulate any treasures, we basically took everything out..."

Lin Feng looked at his Junior Sister in front of him, who had a sad expression on her face. She looked like a miser no matter how he looked at her. He could not help but laugh out loud.

The karst cave where the Treasury was located was very spacious at the front. There was still a long way to go to get to the deep part of the cave, and the inside of the cave was relatively narrow.

Just by looking at it, the Green Sky Sect had quite a lot of assets. There were several piles of refining materials on the ground at the entrance of the karst cave.

Primordial Adamantine, Extraterrestrial Meteorite Iron, Dark Light Mysterious Iron, Gold from Yu, Golden Thunder Bamboo, Nephrite... they were all common high-quality refining materials, piled up like a small mountain.

Lin Feng sighed silently in his heart, "No wonder the Green Sky Sect was targeted by the East Sun Sect. The former number one sect in Longyan County is indeed a lean camel that is bigger than a horse."

Lin Feng, who had not spoken a word since entering the Treasury, was taken as frightened by the poverty of the sect by his Junior Sister. The guilt on her face grew.

After all, she had been in charge of the Treasury for many years. Other than taking things out, she had never put anything into it. Even her Natal Flying Sword was taken out of the Treasury.

"Junior Sister, do you still remember the eight materials I mentioned in the Main Hall just now?"

Lin Feng asked. Compared to taking inventory of the resources in the Treasury, he wanted to build a wonder as soon as possible to see if his gold fingers had any effect.


"I remember, I remember. Red Flame Stone, Red Fire Pearl, Three Star Stone, Heavenly River Cinnabar, Heavy Wood, Fire Copper, Mud of Destiny, and the Yin and Yang Profound Stone. These eight."

Zhang Wanqing was still feeling guilty, so she did not respond immediately when she was suddenly called.

"All these materials are in the Treasury, right? Help me find them."

"Senior Brother, how does the Mud of Destiny and Yin and Yang Profound Stone look like?"

Even though the Junior Sister was still in a daze, she still had a cold expression on her face. Lin Feng was used to it and did not think that she was unhappy.

"The Mud of Destiny looks no different from ordinary mud. The special thing about it is that it can visualize the spiritual energy around it. As long as it meets spiritual energy, it will have some illusions around it."

"The Yin and Yang Profound Stone can be seen from its appearance and is very easy to recognize. The black and white colors are clearly distinguished on the stone. It's shaped like two small black and white fish sitting together."

Lin Feng thought for a moment and described the two rare materials.

"These two materials should be further inside. The other materials are outside. Senior Brother, take your time to look. I'll go look for them inside."

Zhang Wanqing thought for a while and finally remembered the general location of these two special materials. If she had not heard the description from her Senior Brother, she would not even know that these two materials were actually called this.

Lin Feng nodded and watched his Junior Sister enter the depths of the karst cave. He recalled the Mud of Destiny and the Yin and Yang Profound Stone.

Even on the market, these two materials were relatively expensive. If converted to spirit stones, they could be worth at least a hundred low-grade spirit stones, or even higher.

Lin Feng, who was left outside, wandered around the Treasury, casually looking for the other two materials that were the most difficult to find.

In the end, in an inconspicuous corner of the cave, he finally found the last two materials that were randomly thrown on the ground.

Not long after, the Junior Sister found all the other materials and handed him a storage ring filled with the materials.

To be able to gather all the materials in the Treasury was a pleasant surprise to Lin Feng.

"Then I'll go and create the wonder first. Junior Sister, you can go ahead and continue to do your duties. Don't worry about me."

After saying that, Lin Feng left the Treasury.

Before Zhang Wanqing could ask him what he was going to do next, her Senior Brother had already left the Treasury.

She looked at Lin Feng's back thoughtfully. After taking over the position of Sect Master, her Senior Brother's cultivation speed had plummeted, and his progress was slow.

However, he managed the sect in an orderly manner, and had never let the sect's affairs affect the cultivation of any disciple.

Otherwise, based on his Senior Brother's cultivation speed back then, it was impossible for his strength to barely rise to the Beginning Stage of the Origin Building Realm after so many years.

But even so, Zhang Wanqing was confident that her understanding of Lin Feng was deeper than anyone else in the sect. They had been fellow disciples for many years, and Senior Brother Lin Feng had the talent to refine materials, so how could she have never known about it?

Thinking of this, Zhang Wanqing could not help but feel a little sad in her heart..

What her Senior Brother was doing now was to bring peace to the people in the sect. That was why he pulled a façade, saying it was a blueprint from the Ancestral Hall. If she were more powerful, he would not have to do this, right?

In the Treasury, Zhang Wanqing was still thinking about Lin Feng's strange behavior. Meanwhile, Lin Feng wandered around the Green Sky Sect and finally found a suitable place to build the first wonder.

In the open space in front of the Ancestral Hall at the back of the mountain.

Lin Feng held the blueprints of the Jade Heavenly Long Sword in his hand. After searching around, he found that the open space in front of the Ancestral Hall was the most suitable place.

Judging from the classification of the Jade Heavenly Long Sword in the system, it was obvious that its shape was not an ordinary long sword.

It was not a sword under the category of the Sword Stele, but a tall Sword Stele!