A Visit From the Wu Family Sword Tomb

After returning to his room, Lin Feng opened the system after making sure that no one would come to disturb him.

He wanted to select the Wonder he would forge next in the system.

Lin Feng kept flipping through the options for the Wonders in his mind.

The Divine Dragon of the Nine Heavens, the Yin-yang Eight Trigrams Formation, the Taixuan Deity Statue...

Each one required more than ten kinds of materials, extremely rare materials at that.

Just completing the second stage of forging the Jade Heavenly Long Sword had already consumed most of the sect's cultivation resources.

The sect simply did not have so many resources to consume anymore.

Moreover, the current advancement of the sect's disciples was too fast.

If he were to make them advance again when the spiritual energy in their bodies was not stable, the whole matter might backfire.

Plus, all of them were now sword cultivators.

As such, in addition to their realm cultivation, they also had to improve in their Sword Dao.

For now, the strength of the sect's disciples was still too weak.

Therefore, he had to consider many factors and think twice before choosing the second Wonder to forge.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Lin Feng got up and came to the door.

It turned out Zhang Wanqing had come to Lin Feng to discuss matters of the sect.

Lin Feng invited Zhang Wanqing into his residence and brought her a cup of tea.

After Lin Feng sat down, then only did Zhang Wanqing tell him her reason for coming, "Senior brother, during this period, the Wonder that you have forged has helped the sect disciples improve a lot."

"Junior sister, there's no need to praise me. This is what I should do as the sect master."

"What I want to say is that I hope senior brother will put the third stage of forging the Wonder aside for now."

Zhang Wanqing was expressionless as she looked at Lin Feng, but in her heart, she was very nervous.

"Why do you say that?"

"Although the disciples of the sect have all become sword cultivators, their realms are just too low. Most of them are only in the beginner stage of the Condensing Reality Realm, and only a small number of inner sect disciples have reached the advanced stage of the Condensing Reality Realm. The natal flying sword grows stronger as the host's realm increases. Thus, if their realms are unstable or too low, they will be unable to unleash the power of their natal flying sword. Although the disciples' cultivation in the Sword Dao has advanced, their realm cultivation is rather unstable. I'm afraid that if this is left to continue, it will have a great impact on their cultivation in the future."

Hearing Zhang Wanqing's words, Lin Feng nodded silently.

As a sword cultivator, Zhang Wanqing was very clear about the problems with unstable realm cultivation, and as a modern person, Lin Feng was very much aware of the importance of playing it safe.

Hence, after some discussion between the two of them, they reached a consensus.

For the time being, the third stage of forging the Sword Stele would be temporarily put on hold.

After Zhang Wanqing left, Lin Feng began to tour the Wonders in the system.

He was well aware that what was needed now was a new Wonder.

Under the current situation where the sect's resources were scarce, it was impossible to go on with the third stage of forging the Jade Heavenly Long Sword.

Moreover, it was just like what his junior sister said, it would be counterproductive to go on with the third stage now.

Therefore, the most urgent task now was to find a Wonder that was both suitable for the sect and inexpensive.

After searching for a while, Lin Feng finally found a Wonder that was suitable for the sect: "The Sect Master's Statue".

Once forged, it would increase the spiritual energy of the sect, which was exactly what they needed right now.

Although the Green Sky Sect had an abundance of Sword Dao Fate now, the concentration of spiritual energy here was just average.

The realms of the sect's disciples had been low, to begin with, and now that their cultivations had been forcefully advanced, without enough spiritual energy to support them in circulating and regulating their cultivation, it was difficult for them to make substantial progress.

It was expanding a house while using fewer materials.

As such, the higher the house was built, the easier it was for it to collapse.

Therefore, only with sufficient spiritual energy could the steady progress of the sect disciples be guaranteed.

Moreover, the materials needed for this Wonder were the least among all the Wonders.

The sect was currently short of materials, and the third stage of forging the Sword Stele required quite a sum of materials as well, thus all materials had to be used sparingly.

Therefore, the best thing to forge at this stage was this Wonder.

Since he had decided on what to forge, the next step was to collect the materials needed for this statue.

This included the White Jade Spirit Stone, Granite Jade Stone, Black Jade Stone, and Cloud Stone.

These four stone materials were commonly seen on the market, so it shouldn't be difficult to find them.

As for the metals, Bronze blocks, Red Copper blocks, and Brass blocks were needed.

These copper blocks were also some basic materials. The disciples could get them if they went down the mountain to collect some.

Other than stones and metals, the other materials needed were the Spiritual Rosewood, Thousand-year Tree Crystal, and Ice Soul Crystal.

These three materials were very rare.

Let alone the Ice Soul Crystals that were the essence of the crystals that were filled with spiritual essence only found in hundred-year-old ice caves, even the Tree Crystals that took a thousand years to form might not be found in the sects of Longyan County.

Only an old sect like the Green Sky Sect could have one or two.

The only one that was slightly easier to find was the Spiritual Rosewood.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng began to have a headache.

When he had asked his junior sister to get the materials for the first Wonder previously, her face had been full of heartache.

If he asked his junior sister for materials again, would she be angry and refuse his request?

Lin Feng lay in bed and struggled for the whole night, but he couldn't muster up the courage to just go ask for the materials.

He didn't fall asleep until daybreak.

The Sun had just risen, and a group of sword cultivators with swords had come to the foot of the Green Sky Sect's mountain, asking the people there if this was the place where the phenomenon had occurred yesterday.

The villagers pointed at the Green Sky Sect that was on the mountain and described what had happened yesterday.

"Yes, yes, yes, it happened in the Green Sky Sect on the mountain. Oh, you probably don't know, but the light suddenly appeared. I was drinking tea then, and it scared me so much that I spilled my tea..." Before the villager could finish his words, the sword cultivators had already walked away.

As soon as the group of sword cultivators stepped into the territory of the Green Sky Sect, they sensed the rich Sword Dao Fate.

These sword cultivators had never seen experienced such rich Sword Dao Fate, and their eyes were shining bright.

They tried to regulate their cultivation, intending to use the Sword Dao Fate to improve themselves.

However, nothing happened even after they tried for a long time.

The Sword Dao Fate didn't seem to come into contact with them.

While everyone was puzzled, the leading adult male seemed to have thought of something, and he said, "This Sword Dao Fate seems to recognize its master."

"The Fate recognizes its Master?"

The surrounding sword cultivators did not believe this statement, but it was also a fact that they were unable to come into contact with the rich Fate.

This was actually all because of Lin Feng.

The words that Lin Feng carved on the Sword Stele were the key to the Wonder and its phenomenon. Only those designated by the words on the Stele could receive the corresponding gift.

As a result, only those who were accepted as disciples by the sect could receive the gifts.

These sword practitioners could only look at the mountains of riches before them, but they couldn't take any for their own use at all.

Although such a thing was simply eerie to them, judging from the current situation, they could only believe in this possibility.

After they confirmed that it was indeed the case, when they looked at the Green Sky Sect above them again, they were feeling extremely shocked.

What kind of sect could have the ability to control the Sword Dao Fate?

This method was literally like the magic of a Deity.

More and more people were curious about the true abilities of this sect.