How to Flirt

"Dad, are you stupid? Do you still need me to help you? No one in this world knows Mom better than me!"

The girl happily talked to Su Chen about Shang Xitong.

"I know Mom's preference very well. Since I'm here to help you woo her, how can there be a situation where you can't woo her?!"

When he heard her say that, he was relieved.

"Now, your mother is studying at the table across from me. What should I do?"

"This is too easy. Let me show you how to hit on Mom first."

The girl bit her finger and said, "Go buy Mommy's favorite snacks! Stupid daddy!"

Su Chen felt a little helpless when his future daughter called him stupid.

However, he still asked humbly, "Snacks? But I don't know what she likes to eat."

"Stupid Daddy, Mommy loves latte, but she's always worried about gaining weight. She rarely drinks it."

The girl recalled, "I remember when I was young, every time you brought Mommy that latte, she would smile blissfully and then drink it."

"Shall I try sending milk tea?"

He started to get excited. Was he really going to hit on Shang Xitong today? And it was very likely that he would succeed.

After that, they would fall in love with each other and start their sweet love life.

This was something that he had never dared to dream of before!

Thus, Su Chen ignored his racing heart, picked up his phone, and prepared to leave the self-study room. When he left, he even stole a glance at Shang Xitong.

However, what he did not notice was that Shang Xitong, who was originally focused on her computer, had already noticed his gaze. When he left, the corners of her lips were still slightly curled into a smile.

At this moment, in the garden next to the self-study building, the little girl sitting on the stone chair also had a slight smile on her face as she held her phone. There was a trace of a wicked smile on her beautiful face.

Now, for Su Chen, who was walking on the road, whether this girl was his daughter or not was not the thing he cared about most.

What he cared about the most was that if what this girl said was true, then Shang Xitong was his future wife and what she had just said could very well happen.

Therefore, he adhered to the principle of 'just in case'. He would rather kill the wrong person than let them off. Otherwise, he might regret it for the rest of his life.

"Dad, it's not convenient to video call since you're walking. Can we switch to voice chat?"

"Sure, no problem."

Su Chen replaced the cord headphones with Bluetooth headphones, and then walked out of the school with quick steps.

"Right, I didn't ask your name."

"God, my dearest father, you're finally starting to care about your daughter. You just realized that you don't know my name?"

With a look of helplessness and anger, she whined to her father, "Everyone says that a father is like a big tree that can shelter a daughter from the wind and rain. My big tree seems to have grown crooked. It's useless."


Su Chen smiled to hide his embarrassment. "This is also my first time being a father. I have no experience."

"Shang Yixin!"

Her laughter reached his ears. "Dad, you can't forget."


Su Chen slowed down and asked, "Why are you not surnamed Su?"

"That's because you love Mom! You two have always been close."

Shang Yixin said enviously, "At that time, after you saw how much Mother suffered to give birth to me, you told Mother to let me have Mother's surname, Shang, and the next child would take your surname."

Without waiting for Su Chen to speak, Shang Yixin continued to explain.

"This also means that you two are really in love, and in order to show that you are devoted to your mother, you named me Yixin."


Su Chen helplessly curled the corner of his mouth. He had no choice but to accept it. Although it was quite ridiculous, who knew what would happen in the future?

Just like how he would never have guessed that he would have the chance to strike up a conversation with school belle, he thought as he walked out of the school gates.

In the street outside the university, there were all kinds of beverages.

Su Chen didn't know which one was delicious, so he went straight to a cafe that had good business.

"Hello, can I have a cup of latte?"

Standing at the order counter, Su Chen did not look at the variety of drinks in front of him, and said directly to the waiter.

"Take a large cup," Shang Yixin's voice came through the earpiece.

"A super large cup please!"

After saying that to the waiter, Su Chen asked Shang Yixin in a low voice, "Didn't you say that your mom was afraid of getting fat? Would she drink an oversized cup?"

"Dad, you're so stupid! I really don't know how Mom fell for you back then!"

Shang Yixin sighed helplessly.

"You know that Mom won't be able to finish the large cup, but you can send the latte to her later. As long as she accepts it, she will drink it. But our goal is to make her not finish it, and then your chance will come!"

"What chance? Where did this chance come from?" Su Chen asked obtusely.

"You're so stupid. You just have to wait for Mom to take a sip of it and put it down. Then, you'll naturally pick it up and take a sip from the spot Mom just drank from. Then, you have to praise while looking into her eyes. Say it's really sweet. Whether it's her mouth or the latte, everyone will understand."


Su Chen was a little stunned. Would this method really work? So then he asked, "What if your mother sees me as a pervert? What should I do?"

Was Su Chen too dumb, or was Shang Yixin too experienced? Su Chen began to wonder if his daughter was a philanderer.

But his own daughter was good no matter what!

"Dad, you have to know that Mom is the gentlest. She would never hit anyone, let alone you."

Shang Yixin promised earnestly, "No matter how angry she is, she won't hit you!"

Although Shang Yixin had spoken, Su Chen was still very nervous. The more he thought about it, the more unreliable it seemed.

When the waiter handed him the latte, he wondered if he would be beaten by Shang Xitong. He was still hesitant.

Should he really trust the girl on the other side of the phone?

After thinking about it, Shu Chen took a firm step forward.

At most, he would be slapped. This could be considered an indirect contact with the school belle. If Shang Yixin knew what he was thinking, she would definitely blame him for being shameless.

When he returned to the self-study room, he subconsciously furrowed his brows. No matter when, the school belle would be the center of everyone's attention.

Hence, Shang Xitong was always in the spotlight.