Time to Get Rid of Them

[Is this the strength of White Fog City? This is insane!]

[Morning Mist is awesome. I want to be his fan!]

[I'm in White Fog City now. Where can I buy these skill scrolls? I want to buy them!]

[Something's wrong. Morning Mist has never taken out this item before. It seems that these skill scrolls were obviously fished out from the bottom of the Snake Pond!]

[It's over. The gap between the rich and the poor has widened. We will never be able to catch up to Morning Mist in this lifetime.]

Lu Chen gave Liu Yang a look. Liu Yang immediately understood and directly pushed the focus of the phone camera towards the dozens of skill scrolls on the ground.

This made all the viewers in the livestream room feel as if they could get their hands on them easily.

[I can't, I can't, I have to buy it, I have to buy it, I have to buy it! Is it too late for me to sell my house and buy it now?]