The Angered Wu Tian!

They all stared at Wu Tian's face, but he did not seem to have any signs of hesitation. It was as if he had made this decision long ago.

All of the Wu family's followers immediately understood that this decision must have been discussed with the elders of the family before Wu Tian arrived here.

For a moment, all the attendants felt their scalps go numb and their backs go cold. The Wu family was really ruthless.

Wu Tian could see what they were thinking from their faces, but his expression did not change in the slightest.

If a family wanted to rise, there would definitely be bloodshed and sacrifices. Not to mention a Guardian Divine Beast, even he, or even the patriarch, would have to stand up when it was time for sacrifices.

Wu Tian stared at Little Golden Dragon, thinking that it should be tempted now.