Illusive Tang Bao!

They had never seen Liu Changping act this tough before. At the same time, they were also very worried. After all, the rhinoceros in front of them was a level 35 monster. Not only was its defense powerful, but most importantly, it had already activated its skill… Rhinoceros Rampage.

This skill could double one's attack power. Such an attack could instantly wipe out hundreds of thousands of human HP.

The warriors could not help but call out to Liu Changping worriedly.

"You're being too reckless!"

"F*ck! He won't die before he gets the chance, right?!"

Everyone seemed to have foreseen Liu Changping's next tragedy. As expected, a string of red dots quickly floated out from the sky. Liu Changping had always been the reckless type.

However, everyone felt very sad because Liu Changping had indeed died to help the other members.

Suddenly, someone shouted, "Liu Changping is fine. Look, he's still alive!"