Fish Escaping the Net

The Horse Slaying Saber sliced through the air. Heads flew one after another, and blood splattered on the execution ground.

Zhou Shu's eyes turned red. Then a barrage of messages appeared.

[The Golden Bell Shield Technique has increased by 20% because the Horse Slaying Saber you forged effectively completed a kill.]

[The Golden Bell Shield Technique has increased by 20% because the Horse Slaying Saber you forged effectively completed a kill.]

[The Golden Bell Shield Technique has doubled because the Horse Slaying Saber you forged effectively completed a kill.]

Zhou Shu: "…"

Although the messages flashed by very fast, Zhou Shu still spotted a difference in one of them.

The Golden Bell Shield Technique's power has doubled?

In an instant, Zhou Shu felt the true qi in his body surge. The meridians in his limbs and bones were struck by the powerful true qi until they swelled and hurt.