The Grand Craftsman's Secret

Zhu Chuanfeng and the middle-aged man, who seemed to be his younger brother, whispered for another fifteen minutes before the middle-aged man got up and left.

Zhu Chuanfeng wrote something for a while before going to bed.

After a long while, some noises came from a corner of the courtyard.

Zhou Shu was getting restless.

Zhu Chuanfeng was just a few dozen feet away from him. At this distance, he was completely confident that he could kill Zhu Chuanfeng before reinforcements arrived.

The problem was, how was he going to get away after killing him?

Grand Craftsmen were the treasures of Great Xia. If someone dared to kill one, Great Xia would definitely not let this matter rest.

'Pursuit to death' was definitely not just empty words.

Furthermore, the Zhu Estate truly had several experts.

If Zhou Shu really killed Zhu Chuanfeng, he might not be able to escape unscathed.