Money Is Not Important

In the front yard of the 0th Workshop, the ten boxes lined up had all been opened.

The scene was eerily quiet.

Someone gulped, and then similar sounds came one after another.

"What a scam." Zhou Shu let out a long sigh and looked up at the sky, speechless.

"Well, Superintendent, we'd better not accept it," Zhang Yibei said awkwardly.

The ten boxes were full.

But these things were useless to them.

They didn't even recognize a single character, so why would they need these things?

They couldn't sell things bestowed by the emperor either, so should they use them as displays?

Don't be ridiculous. People who work hard for a living couldn't afford time for this.

Looking at the opened boxes, Zhou Shu was also bewildered.

Is there something wrong with the old emperor's brain? How can he reward people with these things?

The boxes were full of ink, paper, and books…