Is This Your New Work?

The Forging Division has records of Grand Craftsmen? Zhou Shu had forgotten about this.

It was mainly because he didn't know many people in the Forging Division. Other than the grand minister, Yin Wuyou, and her subordinates, he didn't know any of the higher-ups of the Forging Division.

The Forging Division still had archives. If Yang Hong hadn't mentioned it, Zhou Shu wouldn't have even known.

But when he thought about it, it made sense.

Although not every Grand Craftsman was under the jurisdiction of the Forging Division, the Forging Division definitely had detailed information about them. Grand Craftsmen were already high-ranking officials of the Imperial Court, so how could the Imperial Court not have their records?

Zhou Shu thought, I really have to find a way to take a look at the Forging Division's archives.

He hadn't asked about Zhu Chuanfeng on a whim. He was seriously investigating.