The Traitor in the 0th Workshop

Zhou Shu sighed in his heart as he felt his cultivation increase dramatically.

The Legendary Armament Canon was good in every way except for one thing. The increase in his cultivation from time to time was without any warning, and it always affected his acting skills.

He clenched his fist, and an explosive sound erupted from his fist.

The Dragon Elephant Prajna Technique eleventh level!

Strength filled his entire body. At this moment, Zhou Shu felt like he could lift a small mountain!

The current him was the strongest after he transmigrated to this world!

Zhou Shu felt that he could kill a third-rank Grandmaster with just his strength alone!

Of course, the prerequisite was that the third-rank Grandmaster didn't move.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be so easy to kill a third-rank grandmaster.

Did war break out in the south? Why are the benefits coming so fast?