Meeting Again So Soon

The people from the Divine Constable Bureau arrived very quickly. Zhou Shu had just hidden the heaven-grade weapons when Yang Hong returned with seven constables.

The traitor had already died, so the Divine Constable Bureau didn't send any other divine constables over. But they attached great importance to this matter and sent seven constables over.

Zhou Shu greeted Yang Hong and then took his leave.

It was up to the Divine Constable Bureau to search the place.

When it gets dark, I'll sneak over again and bring these seven heaven-grade weapons back. Perfect!

After leaving, Zhou Shu didn't return to the 0th Workshop. Instead, he stayed in his Chang'an residence.

At night, he found a set of black clothes and dressed up simply before climbing over the wall and leaving the residence.

A moment later, Zhou Shu had already returned to the courtyard of the traitor.