I Am Really a Forging Master

"It's over. Old Zhou has gone mad." Sun Gongping slapped his forehead. "Your Highness, why don't you find an imperial physician for him?"

Zhou Shu and Yin Wuyou rolled their eyes at the same time.

Yin Wuyou looked at Zhou Shu and said gently, "Zhou Shu, I know you're anxious to become a Forging Master, but this kind of thing is the same as Martial Dao cultivation. You can't rush it.

"Don't worry. I'll go to the palace to look for my father later. You've made such a great contribution. I'll definitely find a Grand Craftsman for your teacher!"

Before Yin Wuyou could finish speaking, she suddenly saw a faint glow appear on Zhou Shu's body.

The vital qi of heaven and earth surged into Zhou Shu's body.

Yin Wuyou: "…"

What is the meaning of this?

She had just said that forging was the same as cultivating the Martial Dao and that he couldn't rush it. Then Zhou Shu's cultivation broke through?