Divine Artifact, Killing a First-rank

Zhou Shu felt a stabbing pain in his head. Lines of blood streamed down from his eyes and ears.

The five mountains formed from his divine sense were sent flying back into Zhou Shu's mind by the massive rebound.

Meanwhile, the mirror was still floating steadily in the air.

Zhou Shu opened his eyes. He endured the splitting headache and looked in the mirror.

For some reason, he felt that this mirror was somewhat similar to the Heavenly Mirror that Shi Songtao had given him.

This thought disappeared in a flash.

Zhou Shu looked at the mirror and began to have a headache.

Now, there didn't seem to be any danger here. The mirror hadn't attacked him, and there didn't seem to be any enemies here.

But this mirror wouldn't move no matter what. Even if he hit it, it wouldn't budge. What could he do to save the people in You Prefecture City?

What the hell is this stupid mirror! Zhou Shu cursed.