Great Destroyer Sword, I Dare to Give You It, Do You Dare To Take It?

Although Zhou Shu complained that someone had picked up Yin Wuyou and not Sun Gongping, when he returned to Chang'an, he was the only one left in the carriage.

On the way from You Prefecture to Chang'an, people from the Marquis Weiyuan residence received the news and took Sun Gongping away.

The carriage of the Marquis Weiyuan residence was much more luxurious and faster than his temporary carriage!

The two wounded were taken away. Zhou Shu was not in a hurry to return to the capital. He drove the carriage and took his time.

He also discovered that many people were secretly following him.

But he didn't sense any malicious intent. These people should be divine constables sent by the Divine Constable Bureau to protect him.

After all, something had just happened to him. If something happened again, the Divine Constable Bureau wouldn't be able to explain it.
