The Eight-Sided Han Sword's First Kill

Secret forging formula? Zhou Shu fell into deep thoughts as he listened to Eunuch Zhao's explanation.

Of course, secret forging formulas were necessary for forging ranked weapons. But even with the forging formula, one might not necessarily be able to forge the ranked weapon.

This was like studying mathematics. Even with the formulas given, one might not be able to solve the problem.

Otherwise, why would the imperial family be unable to forge weapons for so many years after obtaining the secret forging formulas?

Zhou Shu had never used a forging formula of this world to forge a weapon before. He had always developed the formulas himself. But since he had the secret forging formula, it would save him a lot of trouble.

Zhou Shu reached out and took the secret forging formula from Eunuch Zhao.

The minute his hand touched the secret forging formula, he was stunned.