Look At The Big Picture, My Brother Must Not Be Shabby

"Big brother, long time no see. I've really missed you." Zhou Shu greeted his sworn brother warmly as soon as he entered the room.

Mi Ziwen smiled. "Should I address you as marquis?"

"Big Brother, don't joke with me." Zhou Shu shook his head and smiled. "By the way, Big Brother, when did you return? If I had known, I would have gone out of the city to welcome you.

"Greetings, Great General."

While talking to Mi Ziwen, Zhou Shu didn't forget to greet Great General Meng.

He was also slightly surprised. Why did Great General Meng age so much in just a few months?

No one would have thought that he was Great Xia's God of War.

People would have thought that he was an ordinary old man on the streets.

But Great General Meng had lost all his cultivation because he had been injured. He didn't have any cultivation base, and he wasn't young anymore. It seemed normal for him to be like this.