Green Dragon Crescent Blade Successfully Completes a Kill (1)

"Marquis, let's hurry." Shi Songtao urged anxiously.

The group now had a light load and didn't need to carry the heavy forging materials.

But Zhou Shu seemed to be taking a stroll in the park, walking unhurriedly toward the location of the third checkpoint.

Shi Songtao was anxious. We no longer have any forging materials. When we arrive, we'll have to rob the other challengers.

They've already gone far ahead. If they've already used up all the forging materials by the time we arrive, we won't be able to rob them.

He put himself in the others' shoes and thought about it. If it was him, he definitely would quickly use the forging materials. He definitely wouldn't leave any for Zhou Shu's group.

The corners of Zhou Shu's mouth curled up slightly. "What are you worried about? Running fast might not necessarily be advantageous."

No matter how anxious Shi Songtao was, Zhou Shu refused to speed up.