The God of War Catalog, Blocked by Xu Shi (1)

Zhou Shu's mind was full of the feedback from the Legendary Armament Canon after the Overlord Spear completed kills successfully.

In his consciousness, pictures kept flashing. He had no time to talk about friendship with Wang Xin.

He cupped his hands and urged the diplomatic mission forward.

Before Wang Xin returned to the Great Xia diplomatic mission, they had already begun to enter Hangu Pass.

During the march, Zhou Shu closed his eyes on his horse.

The information from the Legendary Armament Canon made his sea of consciousness tremble, and his aura was fluctuating.

It was almost impossible for him to hide his expression.

Although they didn't understand what was happening, Meng Bai, Yin Wuyou, and Lu Wenshuang, the three strongest members of the Great Xia diplomatic mission, flashed to Zhou Shu's side almost at the same time to protect him.