Chaotic Battle, Humanoid Demonic Beast (1)

Previously, when he heard from Meng Bai about killing the people from the Demon Realm, Zhou Shu had thought that the Great Xia army would at least have the numerical advantage.

Then he saw. Oh boy.

The beings from the Demon Realm were everywhere. There were already countless figures in his field of vision, not to mention that more were constantly descending from the sky.

The Great Xia army seemed to be completely surrounded.

Zhou Shu guessed that it was probably not just Great Xia. The situation of the armies of the other nations was probably not much better.

The deputy general beside Meng Bai kept waving his flag and commanding the army to fight.

But there were simply too many people from the Demon Realm. In just a short while, the Great Xia army had been separated and were fighting on their own.

This situation was clearly expected by Meng Bai.