Changes in the Armament Manual, the Change in Ownership of the Number One Black-grade Weapon (1)

Battles were happening everywhere on the Ten Nations Martial Arts Tournament battlefield.

Only the vicinity of the Huaxia Pavilion's Ten Nations Martial Arts Tournament branch was like a calm area in the middle of a storm.

There was clearly a 10,000-strong Demon Realm army stationed there, but the 10,000 demonic beasts had been lingering 50 kilometers away from the Huaxia Pavilion's Ten Nations Martial Arts Tournament branch, not daring to approach at all.

In the camp of the Huaxia Pavilion's Ten Nations Martial Arts Tournament branch, there was a competition without gunfire.

Although they were competing, both Zhou Shu and Shi Songtao treated it as a joke.

Shi Songtao never felt that he could compare to Zhou Shu in terms of forging.

Previously, he had felt that his forging level was higher than Zhou Shu's. But ever since he saw Zhou Shu upgrade the Great Destroyer Sword from yellow grade to black grade, he knew how naive he'd been.