I Have No Interest in the Name of a Dead Man (1)

"Have you forgotten this, Your Highness?" Shi Songtao tapped the Dark Cloud Armor on his body with a crisp sound.

"Dark Cloud Armor?" Zhou Shu raised his eyebrows.

"The Dark Cloud Armor is full-body armor. With the visor down, outsiders have no idea who's wearing the armor."

Shi Songtao lowered the visor of his Dark Cloud Armor.

Only his hands and eyes were exposed.

Those not particularly familiar with him really couldn't tell who was under the Dark Cloud Armor.

Zhou Shu understood. "You're saying that you'll wear the Dark Cloud Armor and pretend that I'm still in the camp?"

Shi Songtao nodded.

His height was similar to Zhou Shu's. If he sat on the wall in the Dark Cloud Armor, as long as he didn't attack, no one would be able to see through him.

As long as Zhou Shu was still in the camp, the Demon Realm army wouldn't dare to rashly attack the camp unless reinforcements arrived.