Marquis of Xinting Saber and Abyss Rainbow Sword (1)


A beam of light flashed above the Huaxia Pavilion's Ten Nations Martial Arts Tournament branch.

Yin Wuyou, Mi Ziwen, Shi Songtao, Mei Wushang, and the others all looked in the direction of the light.

That is… the forging room!

They all looked at each other.

"What divine weapon did Zhou Shu forge this time?" Yin Wuyou muttered.

Mi Ziwen and Shi Songtao nodded in agreement.

Mi Ziwen was slightly puzzled. Isn't he forging Dark Cloud Armor sets?

That should have been a sword light, right?

Or is Second Brother practicing some kind of sword technique?

His sword technique is indeed abnormally lethal.

Shi Songtao looked at the forging room enviously. As expected of the prince that I, Shi Songtao, regard as my master.

This forging ability is really amazing.