Forging Epiphany, Storage Space (1)

Yao Buqi clenched his fists. His already red eyes looked like they were filled with blood, becoming even redder.

He breathed heavily. After a long time, he finally unclenched his fists.

Human or demon, it was all the same.

If he didn't fight for his life right from the start, the longer he waited, the less motivated he would be.

Yao Buqi had endured humiliation for so long. If he risked his life now, wouldn't all his efforts be in vain?

"Can I redeem my void beast?" Yao Buqi said through gritted teeth. "I can give you anything you want, but please let my void beast go."

The uneven attitude of Yao Buqi made Yin Wuyou and Shi Songtao understand that this rat called a void beast seemed to be very impressive.

"Redeem it?" Zhou Shu said with interest. "You're my prisoner now. What can you use to redeem it?

"Don't bother mentioning using what's in the void beast's stomach. What's in its stomach is now also mine."