Hundred Steps Flying Sword, the Cosmic Bangle Is Your Reward (2)

Meng Bai's heart was in turmoil.

Am I dreaming?

What did I just see?

This ordinary-looking bangle actually has a storage function?

How is this possible?

Like Meng Bai, everyone saw this scene.

Someone even slapped themselves. They thought they were dreaming!

Be it Zhou Shu's sudden appearance, his killing of a first-rank demonic beast with one strike, or this magical bangle that could store items, they all felt like they were in a dream.

Meng Bai held the bangles in his hand tightly, even forgetting about the sword that had just been destroyed.

"Great General, I accidentally destroyed your sword just now. Choose one of these Cosmic Bangles as an apology," Zhou Shu said with a smile.


What sword!?

What a joke. If you like it, you can have it!

Not to mention a lousy sword, you can have anything of mine!