This Punch Contains A Hundred Times My Strength. Who Are You To Block It? (1)

On the battlefield, the armies of Great Xia, Great Qin, and Great Jin, as well as the hundreds of thousands of demonic beasts, all had the same shocked expression on their faces.

Some of the demonic beasts kept blinking, seemingly unable to believe what they were seeing.

In the distance, there was a gigantic pit in the ground. At the bottom of the pit, Zhou Shu stood proudly. As for the great demon Yao Lian…

The arrogant great demon Yao Lian was lying on the ground.

And Zhou Shu was stepping on his face.

Yao Lian's eyes were also full of disbelief.

He couldn't figure out why this happened.

Ever since he was old enough, he'd never been stepped on.

He was a rare genius in the Demon Realm. Along the way, he had crushed all his opponents. He had never lost to anyone of the same rank.

But now, he was being stepped on by a human?

This was intolerable!

After regaining his senses, Yao Lian was furious.