The Lingering Blood Thirsty Rampant Saber (2)

Seeing Yao Qing, Zhou Shu went straight to the point. "Yao Qing, tell me, where did you get this weapon fragment?"

"I broke it myself," Yao Qing said in a deep voice. "King of the South, how many moves do you think I can get with this?"

"Are you negotiating with me?" Zhou Shu's eyes turned cold.

"Just a fair trade," Yao Qing said seriously. "King of the South, trading ores is a transaction. This information is not in our agreement, so of course we need to renegotiate."

Zhou Shu looked at Yao Qing. Although Yao Qing felt a little scared, he still raised his head and looked straight into Zhou Shu's eyes.

Suddenly, Zhou Shu laughed. "Yao Qing, oh, Yao Qing. As expected of someone with half a human bloodline, this bargaining ability already has some essence of the human race."

Yao Qing's expression darkened. He hated hearing others say that he was half-human and half-demon!