Above the First Fank, The Longevity Sword Can Speak (1)


The two sword lights collided. Zhou Shu took half a step back while the Longevity Sword floated in the air and spun around.

Then Zhou Shu felt a wave of contempt and ridicule.

This was absolutely intolerable!

Zhou Shu snorted coldly, and sword light rose again.

Sword lights filled the warehouse and collided with the various forging materials, producing crisp sounds.

A moment later, Zhou Shu stopped moving, and the earth-grade Great Destroyer Sword went back into its sheath.

The Longevity Sword was several feet away from Zhou Shu, floating in the air and spinning.


The Longevity Sword emitted another black light that swept away a pile of forging materials.

The tip of its sword twitched slightly, as if it was beckoning at Zhou Shu.

Come on, try again!

Zhou Shu felt that it was provoking him!

Yes, a sword was provoking him right in front of his face!