The Nemesis of the Zhuang Zhou Butterfly Dream Technique, Each With Their Own Thoughts (1)

In a stone house in the Huaxia Pavilion's Ten Nations Martial Arts Tournament branch…

Yin Wuyou hugged her knees and sat by the bed, her eyes twinkling.

She looked at Zhou Shu lying on the bed, her face full of smiles.

She didn't care if the Ten Nations Martial Arts Tournament space was dangerous. As long as she could stay by Zhou Shu's side, she didn't care how dangerous it was.

After an unknown period of time, the faint white light on Zhou Shu's body suddenly shattered like glass.

Then Zhou Shu opened his eyes.

The next moment, Yin Wuyou was pressed down by a pair of big hands, and her dress turned into butterflies flying in the air and dancing in the room.

The sound that made one's bones ache echoed throughout the room.

Again and again, Yin Wuyou didn't know how many times she flew into the clouds.

It was as if Zhou Shu would never have enough, and he kept asking for more.