Water Frost Sword, Red Water Heaven of Dan Mountain (1)

There were many ways to obtain points from the Huaxia Pavilion's Demon Realm branch.

Forgers could obtain a certain amount of points for every weapon they forged.

By contributing secret forging formulas to the Huaxia Pavilion, they could also obtain a certain amount of points.

Also, in situations like this, the Huaxia Pavilion would issue some missions periodically. Forgers could receive missions and obtain points after completing them.

If someone else issued a mission, they would naturally have to pay a platform fee to the pavilion. But Zhou Shu didn't have this problem.

"I'll do it!" Li Chengliang was the first to speak.

Although it sounded a little ridiculous for a Grand Craftsman to work for another forger, the forger he would work for was Zhou Shu. Moreover, he was thinking that when he accumulated enough points, he would exchange for the Iron Smelting Hands Technique. He naturally couldn't let go of this opportunity.