A Fox Cannot Hide Its Tail (1)

"Send a message with a weapon?"

There was a slight pause, and the Grand Craftsmen exchanged glances.

This idea was whimsical…

They had really never considered this possibility before.

In the past, everyone was thinking about how to rank higher on the armament manuals. Who would think of using the armament manuals to send a message?

Is it possible? Zhou Shu rubbed his chin, his face thoughtful. "Go on."

"Isn't it simple? The Heavenly Mountain Villa monitors all the weapons in the world. Let's forge a sword and call it the 'Heavenly Mountain Villa, I want to talk to you' sword. Isn't that enough?" Sun Gongping said very casually.

Zhou Shu's face darkened. He thought that Sun Gongping would have some brilliant plan, but was this it?

Indeed, he couldn't expect too much from him!

"And then what? Wait for the Heavenly Mountain Villa to contact us? What if they don't?" Zhou Shu said in annoyance.