Spatial Weapon, The Reactions of the Emperors (1)

"We won?"

In the capital of Great Wei on the Ten Nations Continent…

There were mangled corpses everywhere, both demonic beasts and humans.

Almost everyone standing was bruised and bloody.

Everyone was breathing hard as they looked at each other and saw the disbelief in each other's eyes.

After what seemed like an eternity, someone let out a cheer first. "We won!"

A moment later, cheers filled the air above Great Wei's capital.

The Qin emperor, Emperor Yuan Feng, the Jin emperor, the Liang emperor, and the other emperors also looked tired. They looked at each other and laughed.

At this moment, the friction between the various nations had long disappeared.

After laughing, everyone asked a question almost at the same time, "What about the King of the South (Side-by-side King) (King of Wu'an)…"

"He's gone to the Demon Realm," said a crisp voice with a hint of loss and worry.