Can a Threat Be So Fresh and Refined? (1)

"I told you. You didn't believe me," Yin Yuzhu said with an innocent expression. "Why are you juniors all so irritable? You turn to violence at the slightest thing."

"You, go over there!" Lu Wenshuang said coldly and pointed in the direction where the hundreds of armored soldiers had disappeared.

Previously, the 1,000 armored soldiers had followed Yin Yuzhu to this place according to the agreement and started digging.

Prior to this, Mi Ziwen had repeatedly checked the surroundings to make sure there was no danger before he began his mercenary duties.

At first, it was fine. Splitting mountains and digging rocks were not difficult for the Hundred Wars Armored Army, who were all ranked martial artists.

After digging several feet into the mountain wall, they began to dig out weapons from time to time.

Most of these weapons were damaged. But occasionally, one or two weapons that looked to be in good condition were dug out.