The Huaxia Pavilion's Ambition, Clues to Red Water Heaven of Dan Mountain (1)

Zhou Shu's words were like thunder in the ears of the forgers.

To give everyone who wanted to learn the art of forging a chance to learn?

If someone had said this in the Ten Nations, it would have been outrageous.

Forging techniques had always been secret techniques passed down from father to son, master to disciple. Not to mention ordinary people, even most Forging Apprentices in the various forging divisions would never have the chance to learn a true forging technique.

No one was willing to publicize the ability that earned their livelihood. Even the imperial families of the various nations had never dared to risk universal condemnation.

But now that Zhou Shu had said it, Li Chengliang and the others didn't find it strange at all.

First, Zhou Shu had already raised this point of view long ago. Second, they felt that someone like Zhou Shu was always right and had his own reasons.