The Ming Hong Saber's Reward (1)

"Who else?" Xiao Jianghe was covered in blood as he pointed the Huben Saber forward and shouted.

Although the second one to die under his Huben Saber was not a first-rank demonic beast, it was still a second-rank demonic beast. Moreover, Xiao Jianghe had killed it under the siege of more than a hundred demonic beasts.

This result shocked the demonic beasts.

Xiao Jianghe felt that he had reached the peak of his life. Even though he was injured, he was still full of fighting spirit. He felt that he could kill another one!

[The Huben Saber you forged effectively completed a kill. The Eight-Nine Arcane Art has improved by 10%.]

Zhou Shu sighed as he watched the message slide past.

Xiao Jianghe looked mighty, but in fact, it wasn't worth it.

If he refined the Huben Saber into his intrinsic divine weapon and fused it into his meridians, his cultivation might increase with the phenomenon formed by the Huben Saber.