My Life Is Up To Me, Not The Heavens. As a Demon, I Should Be Yao Aotian (1)

"Demon King Palace?" Demon King Hu Li's eyes lit up, and his gaze seemed corporeal.

Zhou Shu was amused. The Demon King realm is really interesting.

"That's right, Demon King Hu Li. I've seen it. The place you lived before was just a cave."

Zhou Shu had already returned to Demon King Hu Li's territory with him.

Hu Li was the leader of the tiger demons, and the place he originally lived was actually not too bad.

But demonic beasts were not as particular as humans. The residence of Hu Li was just a house casually built with stones. It was spacious, but it was not worth mentioning in other aspects.

"You're a Demon King now. I don't know what the other demon kings think, but I think your residence has to be worthy of your status." Zhou Shu pointed at the blueprint. "This is the Demon King Palace that I specially designed for you, Demon King Hu Li. It's definitely the only one in the Demon Realm."