Forgers Who Do Not Want to Forge Connate Divine Weapons Are Not Qualified Forgers (3)

"Why? Do you have an idea?" Zhou Shu asked.

"No," Yin Chengshan said awkwardly. "I'm just asking. I definitely won't be picky about what you give me!"

What a joke. If not for Zhou Shu, he would never obtain a connate divine weapon in his life.

Did he dare to be picky about it?

Did he have the right to be picky?

"You won't get to pick," Zhou Shu said casually, "There's no harm in telling you. It's the Flaming Sunset Saber. The Connate Flaming Sunset Saber is the connate divine weapon I plan to prepare for you."

Huaxia Pavilion's Demon Realm branch…

They were no longer in the place they had first chosen.

Instead, they were deeper into the karst cave.

This time, they didn't start large-scale construction. Instead, they cleaned up simply and made do.

After the previous battle, they realized that they were behind enemy lines and had no right to settle down.