It Turns Out That Demonic Beasts Are So Easy to Fool (2)

"Urgh…" The muscles on Hu Li's face twisted. He grunted and slowly opened his eyes.

"Yao Aotian?" When Hu Li saw Yin Chengshan, he asked in confusion, "What is this place? Why are you here?"

"Thank heavens you're finally awake." Yin Chengshan exhaled. "You haven't forgotten what happened just now, right? You were severely injured by Demon King Ao, and they even locked you up. I risked my life to save you."

"You saved me?" Hu Li was stunned for a moment. He didn't think carefully about how Yao Aotian had the ability to save him from the Demon Kings. "Oh no, Yao Qing!"

Hu Li struggled to get up, but halfway up, he fell back with a thump.

"You'd better not move. You're seriously injured. Even if you rush over now, can you help Yao Qing?" Yin Chengshan sighed.