Eighteen Connate Divine Weapons (1)

Huaxia Pavilion's Demon Realm branch…

They had already moved from the initial underground karst cave to the Two Region Mountain in Yao Buqi's territory.

It had to be said that until now, everyone, including Meng Bai, Wang Mu, and the others, still felt like they were dreaming.

They had never thought that one day, they would actually hide in the territory of a demonic beast. The demonic beast even helped conceal their existence.

It wasn't that no one had thought of peaceful coexistence with demonic beasts, but it was extremely difficult to really do it. The Demon Realm was powerful and wouldn't give the human race a chance to negotiate.

There were only 30,000 of them. In this huge Demon Realm, they couldn't even cause a ripple.

But this impossible thing happened right in front of their eyes.