Army Pressure, Xiaoyu'er's Anger (1)

At the border of Great Xia…

It had been several months since Yin Wuyou returned to the Ten Nations Continent.

Back then, the Demon Realm army that had invaded the Ten Nations Continent had been trapped in the capital of Great Wei by the Ten Nations. Because of Zhou Shu's appearance, their escape route had been cut off, and they had been completely wiped out.

Since then, the Ten Nations Continent temporarily regained its previous peace. But beneath the calm water, all the nations were carrying out military preparations.

Back then, Yin Wuyou had said in front of the emperors of the other nations that Great Xia's Forging Division was open to all nations. As long as they had enough money, any nation could purchase the weapons of Great Xia's Forging Division.

In the past few months, the Great Xia Forging Division had received more orders than in the past few years.