Blackmailing Half the Demon Realm, Double Spy Yao Buqi (1)

"Redeem them?" Yao Buqi was shocked.

"Is there a problem?" Zhou Shu said indifferently. "Since I'm sparing their lives, shouldn't they pay a price? Do they want money more than their lives?"

Yao Buqi: "…"

You're demanding money for their lives?

Do you know the identities of the demonic beasts you've captured?

Kidnapping them is equivalent to offending more than half of the Demon Realm's forces.

Are you really not afraid?

Yao Buqi opened his mouth, but he suddenly realized that Zhou Shu was not a demonic beast.

He was human!

He was already enemies with the Demon Realm. The entire Demon Realm was looking for his traces and wanted to encircle him.

Under such circumstances, it didn't seem to make any difference whether he offended those demonic beasts or not.

But for some reason, he felt awkward.