Where Did The Treasures Go? Internal Strife in the Demon Realm (2)

Zhou Shu raised his hand and clenched his fist. With a bang, Yao Qing appeared to be in pain. He lasted for the blink of an eye before exploding into a bloody mist and dying without a complete corpse.

Yao Yi collapsed to the ground in fear.

The Demon Kings and Great Demons also frowned.

Shi Changsheng was too ruthless. He didn't even say that he wouldn't pay the ransom. He just said that he would go back and report, yet Shi Changsheng directly killed Yao Qing?

While cursing silently, they were also a little glad that they had come prepared. Otherwise, if their juniors had ended up like Yao Qing, they would have returned empty-handed.

Seeing that Yao Qing had been killed, Great Demon Yao Bei shouted, "Everyone, we've saved them. Do it!"

"Wait!" Demon King Ao shouted. The candidates for the Holy Son of the Demon Realm had been saved, but there was still Pixiu!

Pixiu was the most important.