Ji Lutian's Ambition, Robbing the Xu Ling Grotto-Heaven (1)

"If you discover any unfamiliar faces, you must inform the city guards immediately. Do you understand?" a soldier in golden armor said loudly.

"Don't worry, General. As soon as I see a stranger appear, I will shout immediately." A first-rank martial artist who looked to be in his thirties nodded and bowed with a smile on his face.

"Let's go. There's no problem with this one. Check the next one!" The general waved his hand and led a large group of soldiers into the next house.

The middle-aged first-rank martial artist stood at the door with his back hunched. He waited until the large group of soldiers searched the entire street before turning around and returning to his courtyard.

After he closed the courtyard door, a relieved smile appeared on his face.

They had passed another checkpoint.

Even Grotto-Heaven experts couldn't see through his divine ability Myriad Transformations. It was impossible for them to find him.